Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Outside Fun

Some cute pictures from the other day.

Ari The Jet Plane
Raymond & Ari do love each other sometimes.
Raymond is growing up too fast, 
but in this picture he still looks so young.
Nathaniel is Raymond's favorite brother.
Raymond says that Nate will be his favorite until
he starts taking his toys. ;-)
Raymond gave Nate a push and Nate wasn't
so sure he wanted to go that high. LOL!
But then he decided it was kind of fun.
This is one of the only pictures we have of all 4
in the same picture! 
He was swinging like this singing the Batman
theme song.
"Nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, Batman!"
Raymond & Alex love each other most of the time too.
I ♥ this little girl.
Nathaniel is a sweet little white boy.
Look at that smile!
He's so big!
Strike a pose!

WOW - Is it really February already?

Yes, yes, apparently it is February. Insane! Anyways, a bit of an update - okay, a long, long, drawn out update. ;-) 

Tiffany (me) - I'm doing fine. In November we found out that we are expecting Blessing #5! Yes, FIVE children! Wow! I'm still in shock - sort of. LOL. We are due on August 1st, 2009 and that puts me at 17 weeks 3 days. I'm already HUGE. I've had a cold off and on (Thanks kids!) for a few weeks. Other than that, I'm doing just fine. :-)

Donald - He's doing okay. He lost his job a few weeks ago but has a great one lined up. He goes Friday to set it in stone but the guy says it's his. It's cleaning carpets but it pays $15 per hour plus commissions. He was only making $14.50 at his old job so this is a blessing. He quit smoking with the New Year and I'm extremely proud. What an awesome hubby. He has smoked once since - but it was a really stressful day and he threw them out that night. 

Raymond - Raymond's doing good. He is turning 6 in April. SIX!! I cannot believe it. My baby will be SIX YEARS OLD! He is excited about his birthday coming up. We are planning a Birthday Bash trip to Disney for the kids birthdays. Raymond has been getting hot and heavy on his schoolwork and does great. He's a smart kid - just needs a hands-on approach to learning. He has also fallen in love with worksheets. 

Arianna - She's doing pretty good. She went for her speech therapy evaluation and has been diagnosed with "speech apraxia". It's sad but at least now we can work on it. She has taken a keen interest in cheerleading and wants to be a flyer! She is also doing KINDERGARTEN schoolwork and she isn't even 4 yet. She's a smart little girl. Also, she threw her pacifier into the trash can last night - yay! I never thought we would get it away from her. She has only had it at night for 2 years now but geeezzzzz, those 2 years were 2 years too long. She is completely and 100% potty trained also. 

Alexander - Alex is becoming for manageable. He's still a whirlwind and gets into everything, but he's listening better and understanding he has consequences for his actions. YAY! He still knows he's so cute that he can get away with almost anything. He is our smooth talker. 

Nathaniel - Nate is now a year old! Insane, right? How did he grow so quickly? He's been walking forever and now climbs the stairs in 2 seconds flat. LOL. He's sleeping in his own crib and that has made life so much easier for us. He weaned himself a few weeks ago because my milk supply has dropped dramatically. 

Baby #5  - The new baby is doing fine. We have had some scares with spotting and bleeding and cramping but s/he is still hanging in there. We are now in the "safe zone" and that's helped put my mind at ease. If she is a girl, her name will be Abigail Rae. If he is a boy, his name will be Bennett Jonas. I'm not so fond of the Jonas, but we need a J middle and that's Donald's favorite out of what is available ;-) LOL. Bennett is obviously after my dad. I'm not a fan of Frank or Austin, so Bennett it is. 

What else is new?

Well, tomorrow the boy's new bedroom furniture is being delivered. We got them bunk beds. Yes, I know we are crazy. Rooms To Go is having a sale. This bunk bed was great. It's a twin over twin with stairs instead of a ladder. The stairs are drawers. Then, it has a trundle underneath that we can use for storage now and then add a twin mattress to when Nate is old enough. :-) We cannot wait for the new bed to arrive. The boys are soooo excited!!! We are also going to move Nate from Ari's room to the boy's room now that there is room. 

Donald and I have decided it's time to fix our credit, pay off old debts, and buy a home. In that order! We are going to the bank tomorrow to talk to a financial advisor about what needs to be done in order to be approved for a loan. We know we will be buying a fixer-upper. We are looking for a home in Arlington for less than $80,000 or so and then we are going to customize it the way we want to. So long as it comes with 3  bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms minimum, we can make it work. 

So that is us in a nutshell.